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Field & Family Labradors

A little About Us... 

How we got here...

My husband is from the Big state of Texas and proud of it. I'm from a small town on Long Island. Well, I thought it was small. Being a military wife of over 26 years I learned that it wasn't small and what was. I'm proud either way. After years of military life my husband got out and our family finally settled down to raise our young children in New Hampshire.


It wasn't long before my husband's job announced they were relocating him. What a surprise! Sadly,  we had to move 1495 miles from New Hampshire to Northwest Arkansas. Our last home had been meant to be our forever home and we had just finished pouring a ton of sweat and tears into it. As we left one home for another we also left behind two of our oldest who has just recently married and settled down to raise their own families. One of life's hard lessons was realizing life doesn’t always go as planned. 

Moving day...

Late that summer all our belongings were packed into two moving trucks while we drove behind in 2 cars with 2 children and 2 cats. Unfortunately, we had lost Gracie our beloved chocolate Labrador Retriever and best friend of 13 years a few months earlier. Heartbroken and unable to leave her behind, we brought her with us in a small and intricately carved pine box. When we were ready, we chose for her a final resting place. Our sweet Gracie (short for Graceful... which she wasn't as a puppy) now rests under Ugly Tree another story all together. Oh, how she would have loved it here! 

A place to call Home...

Life here was very different from our life in New England but it didn’t take long to fall in love with the place, the people and a country lifestyle. It feels like this is where we were always meant to be. Our home is a small ranch nestled on enough acres to raise a few animals. Just like that raising animals became a part of our life. It started with a few horses to ride and then Limousin cattle for our children to raise and show for. Today our children compete in both horse and cattle events in 4H.

Something missing...

Although we had adjusted to our new surroundings, we were still missing something and we knew exactly what it was. It was time for us to have a dog back in our lives. It was time to find another Labrador Retriever. Yes, we could have picked any breed of dog but our hearts remain true to the Labrador. You just can’t pick a better dog in temperament, personality or loyalty for a family pet. Since my husband also likes to hunt, a Labrador was also the perfect companion for him to go out in the field with, retrieve game and keep him company on his adventures in the wild.

Our search for a puppy...

Finding several places to purchase our next Labrador didn't take much time using the internet. However, choosing a place we were comfortable with did. We researched and searched one site after another. It was no easy task. While searching for our next loveable companion we discovered the world of Red Fox Labradors. One look and we were in love! Carefully we chose two puppies with promising Champion bloodlines, a sound build as well as their calm and gentle temperament. We couldn't be happier with our choices! 

The future...

From the moment we brought home our puppies we knew we wanted to carry on a long time family tradition and to share our love of Labrador Retrievers with others. We are proud to be able to list our dogs with the American Kennel Club. We truly believe in their philosophy, standards and traditions. Since my great grandfather was also involved with the American Kennel Club and The Scotties Club of America it seems fitting to get involved too and carry on this wonderful family pastime and to share that legacy with our children. While we probably won't get into showing our Labs we are not opposed it! It's a lifetime adventure and we look forward to continued learning and responsible breeding of the most beloved dog in America... The Labrador Retriever.

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